We're proud to offer pull files to ensure you never miss an issue! Members of our subscription service additionally receive a 15% discount on all titles pulled. We work with League of Comic Geeks to track and fulfill your weekly comic pulls.
Joining is easy: you don't even have to come into the store!
How soon will I start getting comics in my file?
New comics come out on Wednesdays, and the cutoff for making additions or changes to your file is the preceding Sunday. So, if you create your file between Thursday and Sunday, you will start getting comics on the very next Wednesday! If you create your file between Monday and Wednesday, you won't start seeing new comics until the following week.
Why do I have to add five titles?
We require a minimum to ensure that we have enough space for the people who get the most use out of the pull service. Please note that variant covers do not count as one of your five titles.
How often do I have to pick up my comics?
We ask that pull file customers come to pick up their pulled comics at least once a month. We will contact you as a reminder if it has been too long since you last picked up your comics; pull files that are not picked up after the reminder contact may be deactivated. If you need extra time to pick up your comics owing to special circumstances (e.g. travel), please let us know and we will be happy to accomodate you.
Why didn't I get the comic I asked for?
There are several reasons why you may not have received a comic you were expecting.
Can I add back issues or inactive titles?
No, the pull file service is for reserving new comics. For back issues, please place a hold tag.
Can I add variant covers?
You are free to request regular variant covers so long as you understand that you may not get them. Pulls for incentive variants (e.g. 1 in 25 variant) will not be fulfilled. Incentive covers are available in-store on a first-come, first-served basis.
One of the titles I'm subscribed to has ended and now I have less than five. Can I keep my pull file?
We require five active titles, so if a title ends, you must add a new one to keep your pull file active.
Can I get comics through mail order?
Yes! In your League of Comic Geeks account, when syncing your pull list with our store, choose Mail Order rather than Ames or Des Moines. We can also ship special order items and back issue requests if they are available, using our Hold Tag Form.
How often do you mail items?
You can choose from the following shipping times: Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly.
How do I pay for mail order?
We use PayPal for secure transactions. Once we have your comic order ready, we will send you an itemized invoice through PayPal, which will include shipping. New books will have your 15% pull file discount applied to them.
Do you offer free shipping?
No, we do not currently offer free shipping.
I'd like to close my pull file. How do I do that?
Contact us either by phone or by email and give us your name along with a note that you wish to close your pull file. You are not required to buy any titles remaining in your pull file.